Aquamarine Stone

Sale price5,90€
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Creativity, Communication, Self-expression, Intuition

Aquamarine helps us express and reveal our deepest emotions by promoting self-confidence while stimulating our communication skills. It gently strengthens emerging love and symbolizes immortality.

It encourages the development of intuition to access our deep knowledge and increases our creativity. It’s a great meditation support!

On a physical level, lithotherapy associates aquamarine with problems linked to the respiratory system.

The chakras associated with aquamarine are the heart and throat chakra.

The pearls making up this bracelet are made of real aquamarine, 100% natural and AA quality, unheated, unreconstituted and undyed. Our bracelets are 16 to 18 cm long, without clasp. The stones are mounted on an elastic thread to offer you optimal comfort.

Stone size: 3-4 CM
Benefit: Creativity, Communication, Self-Expression, Intuition

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